Oregon Food Bank

Kyle Hummel with OFB volunteers

Oregon Food Bank works with a cooperative, statewide network of partner agencies to distribute emergency food to an average of 900,000 people a year. OFB fights hunger's root causes through public policy advocacy, nutrition and garden education and work to strengthen community food systems. Did you know that a simple $10 donation to Oregon Food Bank provides 30 meals?

Snowflake Benefit Pageant Contestants are required to donate a minimum of $50 and/or 25 pounds of food to Oregon Food Bank as part of their competition score. Contestants who donate the minimum required amount will receive full credit towards their age division total pageant scores. Amounts over that count towards Fundraising Titles and/or Supreme Titles.  Additional points will be scored at 1 point for every $1 cash or 2 points per pound of food donated.

Snowflake Benefit Pageant

Monetary Donations

To make it easy for contestants to fundraise, we have created a Donation Collecting Tips page and an online team page at the Oregon Food Bank where a contestant can sign up and then have their friends and families easily send monetary donations in the contestant's name. We will also be accepting cash and checks made out to Oregon Food Bank during check in the day of the pageant. Online donations MUST be made using the Snowflake Team Page no later than 3 days before the pageant in order to count towards Fundraising totals. Anything posted after that will be apprecitated by Oregon Food Bank but will not count towards a contestant's overall score. In-Person monetary donations in the form of cash, money order or check made out to the Oregon Food Bank will also be accepted at check-in on the day of the pageant.

Food Donations

We will only be accepting food donations during check-in on the day of the pageant. We do not have a way to accept food prior to that day. You are more than welcome to start collecting non-perishible food items long before pageant day, but you will need to find your own way to store those items until we can collect them the morning of pageant day during check-in. Donation points will be scored at 1 point for every 10 pounds of food donated. Any donations brought in after check-in times are closed will be appreciated by Oregon Food Bank but will not be counted towards a contestant's overall score.

Snowflake Benefit Pageant

Oregon Food Bank staff and volunteers will be at check-in on pageant day with a scale to get accurate totals and keep a tally of how much our group was able to collect. (And they are very excited to see how much we bring in!) They will then load it on their truck and take it directly to their warehouse for sorting and distribution!

At our last pageant event, we collected over 1900 pounds of food.  We would love to meet or beat our numbers from last time!

We believe that no one should be hungry, yet:

Join us in helping Oregon Food Bank… because no one should be hungry.

Snowflake OFB Team Page Foods Needed Most